Exploring Maisonjaune Studio: Where Vintage Meets Contemporary


Nestled within the realms of creative expression and eclectic design sits Maisonjaune Studio—an immersive interior design gallery curated by the inspired vision of Elodie Meunier and Julien Régnier. Going beyond the ordinary, it represents their shared passion for intertwining rare pieces, materials, and light, fashioning spaces that harmonize the echoes of the past with the pulse of the present.

The Fusion of Tastes and Sensibilities

Elodie and Julien bring together diverse backgrounds and a shared love for aesthetics. Their partnership intertwines Elodie's legal expertise, enriched by her weekends of museum wanderings, and Julien's heritage of uncovering hidden treasures, passed down from his family of antique dealers.

In an exclusive interview with Smallable, Elodie and Julien shared insights into their creative journey.

A Creative Collaboration

For Elodie and Julien, Maisonjaune is more than a studio; it's an extension of their lives and shared enthusiasm. Their projects span across diverse landscapes, from designing restaurants like Verjus and collaborating with renowned spaces like The Proper Hotel in San Francisco to adding their artistic touch to fashion shoots for Jacquemus.

The Essence of Maisonjaune's Style

Defined by a fusion of inspirations gathered from worldwide travels, Maisonjaune's style echoes the essence of Italian, Scandinavian, Brazilian, and Swiss designs of the 50s, 60s, and 70s. Materials like marble, brass, rattan, elm, and pine form the cornerstone, while sunlight plays a crucial role, illuminating spaces adorned with soft, natural textiles.

Maisonjaune Studio's Wellsprings of Inspiration

Elodie and Julien find inspiration in the serene ambiance of Brancusi’s studio and the thought-provoking exhibitions at the Cité de l’Architecture. They also dive into the pages of Archiscopie de la cité, curated by Élodie’s sister, Mélanie Meunier, seeking artistic fuel for their creative endeavors. These spaces and sources become wellsprings of fresh perspectives, weaving a rich tapestry of experiences into Maisonjaune's ever-evolving narrative.

Timeless Narratives

At Maisonjaune Studio, vintage finds harmoniously dance with contemporary concepts, crafting spaces that breathe art, history, and the shared journey of Elodie and Julien. It's not just a design gallery; it's an invitation to immerse oneself in a narrative spun from the threads of diverse inspirations and passionate curation.




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